Hard News vs. Soft News

Teen Star from 'Stranger Things' Fires Agent Over Sex Abuse Allegations (Hard News)
This article is considered hard news because it is about a popular actor in today's society. This is very big and important news that will impact many fans of his. A lot of people will follow up on this story and watch carefully on the outcome of the news. What makes this hard news is that it is a famous well known person who is the star of the news. Sex abuse allegations is a very important topic in news today.


High School Bully Reflects On Her Violent Behavior (Soft News)
This article is about a High school bully who regrets, and reflects on her past behavior. This is considered soft news because it is not the most popular and important news going on in the world. It mostly is for human nature benefits, and impacts young teens going through and experiencing bullies.


This is How Big Weed Charmed Alberta's Liquor Stores (Blur News)
This is a news article about how many liquor stores were not keen on Weed, as they thought it would never become one of Canada's fastest growing industries. This is considered to be Blurred news because it is not hard news, now soft news. It has the capability of being hard news over time, but for now is under the radar. I cannot really decide if this news is soft or hard. Because of how the article starts of with a women narrating, which gives mixed signals.



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