Caught in Lies
I have often considered and thought about the news that I hear, see and read on a daily basis. I also question these articles quite often, especially the ones on the internet and social media. I think this because many articles are very hard to believe, while others are falsified news, but are very believed by the public. I find it very hard to believe those big news companies would have to lie and fabricate stories such as the "Wafer Story". My reaction to these articles was surprised, and shock. Why would a journalist feel the need to lie about a story? Especially one like "Jimmy's World", how would a person make up a story like that, especially when drug problems could bring up a lot of terrible memories for some affected families that have dealt with drug abuse. I do agree with Shafer's assertion because why else would journalists feel the need to lie and make up a fabricated story if they had the ability to write one themselves. If they had the inte...