Reflection Entry #1: First Newspapers
The Delivery of Information:
Some obvious differences between historical newspaper and today's modern newspapers or reading online are, historical newspaper was less privileged than today's modern news. Today's news paper has many options such as printing thousands of texts, with pictures or different fonts. Historical works seemed very limited, compared to the modern days. Another huge difference between the two are, online news is a new invention and has really taken the news industry by storm.
Newspaper Suppression:
Personally, I do not think the government should have that control or power today. My reasoning behind this opinion is that the government does not want the complete truth out there and they may try to keep some things from the public's eye. In historical news, the government had control over everything that went into the press. I do not think that would be wise or anywhere near fair, mainly because the public deserve to know what is going on in the world.
Publishing Today:
I believe they still decide to publish even though it may be critical to the government because they believe in the truth being spread. I think many things prevent the government from shutting down the newspapers. If they were to shut down the newspapers and other news organizations, the public would suspect the government of trying to hide the truth, just to save their pride. It is illegal for them to shut down newspapers.
Newspapers in Canada:
I am surprised that the first newspaper was in Halifax, because I suspected that it would be published in a big city. This was big for somewhere relatively small to create such a big thing.
Some obvious differences between historical newspaper and today's modern newspapers or reading online are, historical newspaper was less privileged than today's modern news. Today's news paper has many options such as printing thousands of texts, with pictures or different fonts. Historical works seemed very limited, compared to the modern days. Another huge difference between the two are, online news is a new invention and has really taken the news industry by storm.
Newspaper Suppression:
Personally, I do not think the government should have that control or power today. My reasoning behind this opinion is that the government does not want the complete truth out there and they may try to keep some things from the public's eye. In historical news, the government had control over everything that went into the press. I do not think that would be wise or anywhere near fair, mainly because the public deserve to know what is going on in the world.
Publishing Today:
I believe they still decide to publish even though it may be critical to the government because they believe in the truth being spread. I think many things prevent the government from shutting down the newspapers. If they were to shut down the newspapers and other news organizations, the public would suspect the government of trying to hide the truth, just to save their pride. It is illegal for them to shut down newspapers.
Newspapers in Canada:
I am surprised that the first newspaper was in Halifax, because I suspected that it would be published in a big city. This was big for somewhere relatively small to create such a big thing.
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